Aurora's Edge Notes



This  story is a sci-fi fantasy. It is a split narrative and will follow two main characters. Arionis’s story will take up roughly 2/3 of the story. One character will be in the present and one will be in the past.

The world (present in the story) is ran by magicians (in governmental capacity, but the citizens don’t realize how corrupt they are) These “magicians” actually use advanced technology to mimic magic. Because at a time in the past, all magic vanished without a trace. This fact and event are known only to a select few in high governmental positions.


MC1 is a female (Arionis) in her mid 20’s. Grew up as an orphan moving from home to home. She moved across the country in hopes to build something for herself. Her story starts shortly after moving to her new city. She does not currently work and is living off of savings in order take time looking for a job and get used to her new surroundings.  (I don’t have city names yet). The technology in the world is about the same as ours in the 80’s-ish. This reason is because the government (remember, ran by false mages) makes sure to throttle technology available to the public so the public won’t find out they are using tech and not magic. Shortly after moving to her new city she notices oddities, namely magical things, happening around the city that nobody else seems to notice. Toward the beginning of the book she visits a book store ran by a mysterious elderly man, and she purchases an old mystical book. After some more happenings and reading, she comes to find she has the gift of magic and tries to learn to use it on her own. She “learns” at a point that magic in the world is dwindling and the head mages are planning to merge with the past to siphon their magical energy (obviously this is a lie because magic is already all but gone. But she assumes it’s true and wants to help before she learns their true plan and how dangerous it is).

There are “guardian runes” all throughout the city (and world) that are allegedly there to protect the citizens.


The MC for the past is a male (Izel) in his late teens. He lives centuries before Arionis’s time. Before magic was taken. He is an apprentice to a powerful mage. In his time, mages were true civil servants and held a strict code to use their powers only to help. He grows stronger throughout the book and eventually leads his own coven in a small village. Magic begins to act strange, like some other foreign force is tampering with it. As he learns more through his investigation, he discovers the head mages in Arionis’s time attempting to merge with his world. He notices that the force he feels coming in doesn’t feel like magic – or at least any he’s ever felt before. Each in their own battle to stop the merge.


Both Arionis and Izel fail their missions. The head mage (main antagonist) will grow frustrated because now that magic is back in the world, he can’t wield it even though he has read every known text regarding magic. That’s when Arionis or Izel reveal that magic is not something that can be controlled, only guided. A magic user needed to let magic work THROUGH them rather than harnessing it. The book will end with them meeting face to face and trying to help as many survivors as they can.






·      After Arionis starts seeing and experiencing magic, she notices that people are noticing her. Not in a good way. But like she’s being watched.

·      Izel is an ancestor of Arionis <OR> he is the book keeper.

·      Random event: Arionis witnesses a car crash or something of the sorts. The car – in this example – hits one of the “guardian runes” and Arionis notices a spark of electricity. The equivalent of homeland security shows up immediately to cordon off the scene (probably not a car because I don’t want cars in this world)

·      Does she find the magical book in chapter one? Or does something else happen? Maybe she gets the book afterwards because she feels like her world is falling apart.

·      When the “merge” is finally happening, Izel specifically notices that he can’t feel any magical energy coming from the portal.

·      Maybe Izel’s story begins shortly before the merge. And throughout the book, we follow him trying to figure out what happened? Maybe the book Arionis gets is almost like a direct line to him. And that’s how he comes to the future. By Arionis learning to summon him?

·      During the first act, there are strange happenings – not only the magic – around the city. Disappearances. Things happening oddly that nobody seems to notice except her. We can find out later the “mages” are using some kind of tone or something to keep the public compliant. But it no longer works on her now that she’s learning magic.

·      Maybe she gets a job with the government – recruited because they are noticing her using magic – and that’s when she tries to start learning secrets. But it’s all a front from the government to keep a closer eye on her.

·      They eventually siphon some of her power (or maybe convince her to use her power) for the final catalyst to run the quantum tunnel(which is the “merge” and how they connect to the past).

·      In her time with the “mages” they teach her how to grow stronger – specifically to use her powers for the merge. They have all of the old texts they can use to teach her. (NOTE: Just because there is no magic does not mean that the mages are not very well versed in it because of their goal and the research entailed)

·      Arionis befriends someone at her new job. Someone around her age. But this person ends up betraying her. (Does her “friend” lure her in to get close or are they actually friends at first but then sides with the mages?)

·      As Arionis is learning and getting better bit by bit with her magic, she starts helping people where she can. But then she starts noticing those people either disappearing or forgetting who she is when she checks back. She assumes it is a side effect of her magic because she’s not proficient enough.

·      At a point in the 2nd act (probably late 2nd act) Arionis learns about the merge. (She does not know until after the merge about her being the only one with magic). Shortly afterwards she learns of her friend’s betrayal.

·      Maybe she communicates with Izel through the book? Maybe the words in the book change to communicate what he is trying to say? Or maybe he uses it to speak to her through her dreams. Perhaps that’s why she goes for the government job because in a confusing dream she though that’s what he wanted her to do?

·      Arionis’s story and Izel’s story will be split by chapters rather than jumping back and forth in the same chapter.

·      Magic (unknown to non-magic users) is a force that must be willingly accepted for the magician to use power. And the magician is essentially a catalyst for good for the most part. Once they accept the gift of magic, their perspective can change in many ways. If it was an evil person, they essentially become good once they’re able to use magic. Almost like an unspoken contract with the magical energy itself.



Chapter 1:

·      Arionis moves to her new city, feeling the weight of her past and the promise of a fresh start.

·      She experiences subtle oddities that set the stage for magic’s presence.

Chapter 2:

·      Introduce Izel, his mentor, and the mage’s code.

·      Establish the normalcy of magic and service in his world.

·      Izel’s growth as a mage and his dedication to his people.

·      Foreshadow the strangeness affecting magic.

Chapter 3:

·      Arionis stumbles upon the bookstore and meets the enigmatic keeper.

·      She is drawn to an ancient book.

·      Arionis witnesses a seemingly magical event (although she noticed minor things in chapter 1) sparking her curiosity.

Chapter 4:

·      Arionis feels watched, a growing sense of unease.

·      Develop the atmosphere of surveillance.

·      Some kind of accident causes a guardian rune to break and there’s an electric spark, foreshadowing the technology reveal later on.

Chapter 5:

·      Izel feels the weakening of magic, begins investigating.

·      Hints at the presence of another world.

Chapter 6:

·      Arionis’s latent magic awakens, small acts of magic happen around her.

·      She starts to practice in secret.

Chapter 7:

·      Izel discovers the merge attempt, feels the foreign force.

·      He vows to protect his world.

·      He and his coven discuss the magical disturbances.

·      They prepare for an impending threat.

Chapter 8:

·      Arionis looks for work

·      Foreshadow her future involvement with the government.

Chapter 9:

·      Izel witnesses the first signs of the merge.

·      He attempts to contact the future (rather he attempts to contact wherever this is coming from)

·      He feels a tug at something in the future

Chapter 10:

·      Arionis feels the tug of magic growing stronger.

·      Mysterious figures take interest in her abilities.

Chapter 11:

·      Arionis learns more about how the guardian runes SHOULD function

·      She investigates further because the electricity she saw before keeps coming back to her mind.

Chapter 12:

·      The merge becomes more aggressive, and Izel’s magic feels the strain.

·      He discovers a possible link to Arionis’s book.

Chapter 13:

·      Arionis’s encounters with ‘government agents’ who have a keen interest in her.

·      She is offered a job and hesitates, but with everything else going on, has little reason to be untrusting.

Chapter 14:

·      Arionis starts her new job, balancing her secret magic training with her governmental magic training.

·      Arionis begins to have vivid dreams of Izel’s world.

·      She meets a new friend – another new hire that started the same day as her.

Chapter 15:

·      Izel’s coven faces off against the forces behind the merge.

·      A battle ensues, showcasing Izel’s leadership

Chapter 16:

·      After losing the battle, Izel’s connection to his magic falters as the merge strengthens.

·      He feels a pull toward Arionis’s time.

Chapter 17:

·      Arionis continues her training, focusing less on her private sessions.

·      Her relationship grows stronger with her new friend.

·      She learns more and more but still struggles to actually control the magic.

Chapter 18:

·      Arionis gets frustrated in private in her apartment. She feels like a failure. She can see and experience magic around her and can “help” it flow to perform small spells, but she can’t control it.

·      In a moment of deep frustration, she ‘gives’ herself to the magic.

·      At that moment, she finally REALLY feels the magic. That’s when she begins to understand that nobody can control magic – rather just let the magic flow through the user.

·      She felt newfound hope and began to see the world in a new light.

Chapter 19:

·      Arionis invites her friend over to show that she’s finally learned how to use magic.

·      Her friend fakes excitement and drugs Arionis.

Chapter 20:

·      Arionis awakes strapped to a chair.

·      Her “friend” explains the true purpose of hiring her. And that magic was thought to be fully extinct. It is explained that the government’s plan is to actually siphon the magic from another world.

·      The only thing they were missing was a “spark.” A tangible connection to true magic. And now Arionis provided that.

·      The government uses a machine to drain. Arionis of energy and initiates the final stage in the merge.

·      // Izel makes a desperate attempt to stop the merge.

Chapter 21:

·      Arionis is thrust into a chaotic scene as the merge completes.

·      She is delirious from the drugs and finds it difficult to discern reality.

·      Izel arrives in her time, disoriented but determined. His strength coming back now that he has renewed connection to magic.

Chapter 22:

·      The head mage attempts to attack Arionis and Izel with magic now that it’s in the present world. But he fails.

·      Head Mages grows frustrated.

·      Arionis, still belligerent, tries to explain what she learned about how to control magic.

·      Izel takes over to help and explains magic is not a tool, but a force. Magicians don’t use magic – rather magic uses magicians as a vessel for good.

Chapter 23:

·      Izel battles with the Head Mage. Magic vs technology.

·      It is a close and heated battle.

·      Izel wins, but does not kill Head Mage. Instead, he offers forgiveness and redemption.

·      Head Mage refuses and Izel uses his magic to render all of the high tech useless. Head mage and other devout followers flee.

Chapter 24:

·      Izel heals Arionis and they meet officially.

·      The two of them join forces to aid survivors.

·      Izel explains to Arionis it was him attempting to contact her through the book she found at the shop.

·      He also mentions he would like to meet this mysterious shop keeper.

Chapter 25:

·      The duo works to heal the rifts caused by the merge.

·      Arionis and Izel face the future with hope, ready to rebuild.

·      A hint at the potential for future stories.

Chapter 26:

·      The world grapples with the return of magic and the collapse of the false mage’s rule.

·      Arionis and Izel adapt to their new roles.











Arionis will take up the majority. Maybe 75% give or take of the full story. Izel will be introduced early but can perhaps jump around a bit more in his timeline in his chapters?


I want ROUGHLY 25-30 chapters with 4k words +/- per chapter.


Chapter bullet points:


1.     Introduce Arionis and her city. Introduce her start of experiencing magical happenings.

2.     Introduce Izel and his story. This chapter will focus on his character and move relatively quickly from his training to him leading a coven in a small village.








Chapter 1: A New Dawn in an Old World


Arionis arrives in a city where technology seems oddly dated, considering the advancements she's heard about.

She's trying to leave a difficult past behind and start anew, but she feels out of place, despite the warm, sunny weather and the cobblestone streets bustling with people.

As she explores her new neighborhood, she notices a cat that seems to vanish into thin air and shadows that move contrary to the light source. These oddities nag at her, but she brushes them off as fatigue.

Chapter 2: Izel and the Order of Mages


Introduce Izel as he practices levitation spells under the watchful eye of Master Elandor, his mentor.

Describe a day in Izel's life as an apprentice mage: early morning meditations, gathering herbs for potions, and learning the ancient scripts.

The chapter ends with a celebration in the village square, but Izel notices the glow of the mage-fire is flickering unusually, which should be impossible.

Chapter 3: The Bookstore of Secrets


Arionis stumbles upon a quaint bookstore nestled between modern buildings. Inside, she meets the keeper, an old man with knowing eyes who guides her to a dusty, leather-bound book.

Later, as she leaves the store, she witnesses an object falling from a building's roof, only to hover and then gently land—a clear defiance of physics. This event compels her to open the book she just bought.

Chapter 4: Watched from the Shadows


Arionis feels a persistent sense of being watched. She catches glimpses of figures in trench coats who vanish when she does a double-take.

An encounter with a malfunctioning guardian rune reveals a spark of electricity, hinting at technology.

The chapter closes with Arionis lying awake at night, the sensation of eyes upon her even in the darkness of her room.

Chapter 5: Izel’s Magical Dilemma


Izel is more attuned to the weakening magic, and his mentor dismisses his concerns as lack of focus.

He starts his own secret investigation, finding historical inconsistencies in the archives about magic’s origin.

The chapter concludes with Izel witnessing a rift in the sky, a crackling energy that doesn't feel like magic at all.

Chapter 6: The Awakening Within


Arionis starts to notice that her emotions influence the environment: lights flicker with her mood swings, and water boils without heat when she’s angry.

She experiments in secret, confirming that these are not coincidences but the stirrings of her own latent magical abilities.

Chapter 7: The Merge Uncovered


Izel uncovers an ancient prophecy about worlds intertwining. He fears his world is the subject of the prophecy.

He rallies his coven, who are skeptical until they too sense the foreign energy.

They agree to stand with Izel and prepare for the unknown, crafting protective amulets and gathering allies.

Chapter 8: Job Hunt with Hidden Eyes


Arionis starts her job search, her peculiar experiences shaping her choices. She’s drawn to government buildings without understanding why.

She applies for a job at the city archives, intrigued by historical texts and hoping to learn more about the city's mysteries.

Chapter 9: The Portal’s Whisper


Izel feels a pull towards an ancient ruin outside his village and finds a portal half-open, whispering his name.

He senses a connection to a presence in the future, someone who holds a piece of this puzzle.

Chapter 10: The Magic’s Call


Arionis’s magical abilities start drawing attention. A bird made of light visits her window, an entity that seems to beckon her to follow.

She starts to encounter people with eyes that glow faintly, and one hands her a note that reads, "We see your light."

Chapter 11: Rune Revelations


Arionis researches the runes at her new job, discovering discrepancies in public records about their origins and purpose.

She revisits the site of the rune accident and finds hidden tech components within the broken stone.

Chapter 12: Connecting Through Time


Izel’s connection to the ancient book intensifies. He discovers that his thoughts can influence the text within the book that Arionis now owns.

He tries to communicate through the changing texts, warning of the impending danger.

Chapter 13: A Dangerous Offer


Arionis is approached by a charismatic government agent who offers her a role in a secretive department.

They claim to have been monitoring her beneficial interventions and believe she has a 'gift' that can aid the city.

Chapter 14: A Double Life


Arionis starts her government job and finds herself in a dual role: the official duties during the day and her secret magic training by night.

She begins to see Izel in her dreams, which guide her to understand the true nature of her abilities.

Chapter 15: Coven Against Chaos


Izel leads his coven in a ritual to reinforce the barriers between worlds, but the merge is too strong and breaks through their defenses.

The chapter ends with a dramatic magical battle that showcases Izel's leadership and his coven's bravery.

Chapter 16: The Pull of Destiny


Following the battle, Izel's magic is drained. He feels an inexorable pull towards Arionis’s time, as though she is the anchor.

He makes the difficult decision to follow this pull, risking everything to save both worlds.

Chapter 17: Deepening Bonds


As Arionis's training progresses, she forms a close bond with her new friend from work, who shares similar 'gifts.'

She begins to trust this friend with her secrets, unaware of the looming betrayal.

Chapter 18: Embracing the Flow


In a moment of deep frustration, Arionis surrenders to the magic, allowing it to guide her actions.

She experiences a profound connection with the world around her, realizing that magic is not to be controlled but embraced.

Chapter 19: Betrayal Unveiled


Arionis decides to share her secret with her friend, demonstrating her control over magic.

The friend betrays her, using a drug to incapacitate Arionis for the government's plans.

Chapter 20: The Merge’s Catalyst


Arionis, under the influence of the drug, is forced to act as a catalyst for the merge.

Izel, having crossed into her time, scrambles to find her and stop the completion of the merge.

Chapter 21: Through the Rift


Arionis, semi-conscious, experiences the chaotic aftermath of the merge.

Izel arrives in her time, his connection to magic restored, ready to confront the head mage.

Chapter 22: Magic's True Nature


The head mage attempts to use the new magic against Izel and Arionis but fails.

Arionis, in her delirium, tries to explain the true nature of magic to the head mage, who refuses to listen.

Chapter 23: The Final Showdown


Izel battles the head mage, where raw magic meets advanced technology.

The head mage is defeated, but Izel offers mercy, symbolizing the true spirit of magic.

Chapter 24: Healing and Understanding


Izel and Arionis heal each other's wounds, both physical and emotional.

They discuss their experiences and plan to help those affected by the merge.

Chapter 25: Mending the World


Together, Arionis and Izel work to repair the damage done by the merge.

They reflect on their journey and look forward to a future where they can guide the use of magic responsibly.

Chapter 26: Dawn of a New Era


The world begins to come to terms with the return of true magic and the fall of the false mages.

Arionis and Izel adapt to their roles as leaders and protectors of this new magical era.